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Yoga Philosophy In Action: our 5 bodies - Workshop With Leah

  • The Yoga Flat 2 Christianshavns Torv København, 1410 Denmark (map)

Yoga philosophy in action

Our 5 Bodies

with Leah Wrobel

"Eye, ear, mind, tongue, and touch; skin, flesh, muscle, Marrow, and skeleton; and the five Vital forces constitute the body. The sage contemplating these sets of five, Discovered that everything is holy." (Taittiriya Upanishad, 6th century BC)

This 3 hour workshop with Leah is a fully rounded practice with meditation, breath work, a physical practice suitable for all levels and a long nourishing savasana at the end, all infused with yoga philosophy. The 5 koshas (sheaths) are: Annamaya kosha (dense body), Pranamaya kosha (energetic body), Manomaya kosha (mind), Vijnanamaya kosha (wisdom), Anandamaya kosha (bliss). Before approaching our physical practice we will study these elements so as we grow a deeper awareness of the koshas we can dive deeper inwards to touch upon the hollinsess.

Who is it for?

This workshop is for anyone who practices yoga regularly but feels that there is more. If you want to deepen your routine practice - both on a physical level but also on the mental, spiritual, and emotional level - better understanding the koshas might help you do so. If you are a complete beginner this workshop is not for you as we will explore the more subtle energetic pranayamas, and the asana practice will include some deep heart opening poses as well as arm balances.

What can you expect?

  • Readings and study into the poetic and beautiful world of yoga philosophy relating to the 5 koshas, and conversation about how these ancient words thread into our present lives.

  • Meditation and pranayama practice including the subtle practice of the vayus as taught in the book Vayus Gate by Orit Sen-Gupta.

  • Identify the sheaths you move from and feel comfortable with and learn to navigate and expand your sense of embodiment.

  • A warming full asana practice focused on being playful and connecting to joy.

  • Yoga Nidra and deep relaxation so you may feel rejuvenated, vital, and fully relaxed by the end of the workshop.

For any questions about this workshop please reach out to Leah

Price: 400,-

About Leah Wrobel

Leah began practicing yoga in 2000 in Holland and continued on her quest of a dedicated yoga practice when moving to Jerusalem in 2001 where she met her teachers Noga Barkai and Orit Sen Gupta. A student of yoga ever since Leah loves everything yoga, from study of philosophy, the commitment to the way of being in the world (yamas & niyamas) and the sweaty rigourous side of yoga too! Teaching since 2003 in Israel, Europe and the USA where she lived for 13 years, Leah is a trauma informed advanced Vijnana Yoga teacher offering all level classes and workshops, continuing education trainings for teachers in the field of pelvic health, prenatal and postnatal, and is the author of Yoga for Pelvic Floor Health: a Whole-Body Approach to Strengthening & Healing. Half Danish, half American, she grew up in Israel but now lives in Copenhagen with her husband and two kids. Learn more about Leah