Here you can find and book classes. We suggest you pre-book your class to secure a spot, as we can get busy. Before booking you need to create a profile in our system. You do that by pressing the ‘Login’ in the menu bar. It is possible to book classes up to three weeks in advance. To make space for everyone, you can have max 5 active bookings at a time.

For easier booking download our App: For Iphone press here & for Android press here

If you are unsure which class to choose, we suggest you read more about the different types of classes we offer.

The classes are usually taught in English but just to be sure, tell us before the class starts if you prefer it in English.

Cancelations should be made at least 2 hours prior to the class. Cancelations made less than two hours before the class will be charged - if you have a clip card you will simply loose your clip and if you have a membership we will charge you 40 kr. on your next automatic payment. if you for some reason can’t make it and you find out less than two hours prior to class we kindly ask you to still go cancel the class so someone els might see there is a spot available and is able to then book the class.